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Article Retail Bags

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Our conviction in a retail recovery post Covid-19

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At QIC, we recognise that disruption and change are permanent features of the retail sector, and by actively managing assets, landlords can not only buffer the impact of disruption but embrace it to sustain the investment performance of an asset. This is why, as our economy moves towards recovery, our conviction in high-quality retail real estate remains unwavering. 

The positive forward investment proposition from retail real estate is evident in the recovery of QIC's retail portfolio, highlighting the viability of retail real estate as an investment class and its benefits as part of a real estate portfolio. 

QIC Global Real Estate's (QIC GRE) latest Investment Insights paper, examines how QIC's portfolio performed over the course of the pandemic, our predictions for how retail will recover post-lockdown, and how we are positioning the portfolio for further growth by embracing the consumer megatrends magnified by COVID-19 and by introducing mixed-uses. 

Take a moment to read our paper, or alternatively, listen to a QPod episode on the subject featuring QIC's Chief Economist, Matthew Peter, and QIC GRE's Managing Director, Michael O'Brien.