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Health and wellbeing

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Health and Wellness | Visual Summary

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Health and Wellness: Diagnosing Opportunities for Institutional Investors

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QIC believes the prognosis for health and wellness to deliver consistent, reliable returns and provide defensive positioning for portfolios is strong. Equally as strong is the high-returning alpha potential of new, emerging technologies that are rapidly driving medical advances.

The health and wellness space will continue to evolve due to the potent combination of demographic trends and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These two demand drivers are overpowering the supply of health and wellness capital, creating a rich vein of opportunities for long-term capital to tap into.

Our latest Red Paper dissects the megatrends that have arisen from this disruption and are giving rise to these opportunities. We have categorised these specific investment opportunities through the lenses of Place, Process and Person. A more in-depth look at the transformational drivers will also be undertaken so institutional investors can fully understand the opportunities in this evolving ecosystem.