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Sam O'Sullivan

Sam O'Sullivan

Chief Risk Officer

Location iconQIC Brisbane Office

Sam leads QIC’s Risk Management Group responsible for managing governance, risk, and compliance at QIC. Under Sam’s leadership, QIC’s Risk Management Group focuses on investment and corporate risks, compliance and workplace health and safety. 

Sam joined QIC in 2021, with over 20 years’ experience in risk management and commercial roles. Previously, he worked for a Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund collaborating with investment teams across real estate, private equity and infrastructure asset classes. In addition to investment management, he has experience in the energy and infrastructure sectors working at Duke Energy, Ergon Energy, and Aurizon in Australia and internationally. 

Sam is a graduate from the University of Queensland in Economics and Arts and holds a post-Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Economics from the Securities Institute of Australia. 

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Our people represent our beliefs and values. They set and constantly raise our high standards. Each member of the QIC team brings a unique combination of specialist skills, experience and perspectives to the table. We value credentials but conviction is what counts.