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Paul DeSouza

Paul DeSouza


Location iconQIC Brisbane Office

Joining QIC in 2006, Paul is a leader in the team’s investment and asset management activities in the government and social sector. He is also a member of the QIC Global Infrastructure Management Committee.

Paul has more than 20 years’ investment management, banking and finance experience in the infrastructure sector.

Currently, he is a Director of Brisbane Airport Groups, Nexus Day Hospitals Holdings Pty Ltd and Evolution Healthcare Group. He is also an Alternate Director of Epic Energy South Australian Group of Companies.

Paul is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Business Accountancy (Honours) from the Queensland University of Technology.

Meet the Infrastructure team

Our people represent our beliefs and values. They set and constantly raise our high standards. Each member of the QIC team brings a unique combination of specialist skills, experience and perspectives to the table. We value credentials but conviction is what counts.