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Beverly Morris

Beverley Morris

Head of Liquid Markets Group

Location iconQIC Brisbane Office

Beverley is responsible for leading QIC’s Liquid Markets Group. The Liquid Markets Group comprises QIC’s cash and fixed income capability, as well as a multi-asset derivatives capability, which incorporates a wide range of synthetic strategies, including currency hedging, asset overlays, protection strategies and other derivative solutions.

Beverley joined QIC in 2002, and has significant depth and experience in portfolio management, having previously led QIC’s Fixed Income team. She also has a strong background in macro and interest rate strategy, through previous roles as Macro Strategist and Chief Economist at QIC. Prior to joining QIC, Beverley held senior economist positions at the Bank of England in London, and at Queensland Treasury.  

Beverley is a Board member of the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA). Beverley holds a Bachelor of Business (Economics) (Honours) from the Queensland University of Technology.

Meet the Liquid Markets Group team

Our people represent our beliefs and values. They set and constantly raise our high standards. Each member of the QIC team brings a unique combination of specialist skills, experience and perspectives to the table. We value credentials but conviction is what counts.