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Andrew Whittaker

Andrew Whittaker

Investment Director - Strategy & Implementation

Location iconQIC Brisbane Office

Andrew is a Director of Strategy and Implementation. Andrew has a whole of portfolio remit which spans: Strategic Tilting, Tail Protection Strategies, Portfolio Implementation & Risk Management.

Andrew has over 15 years’ experience in investment management and financial markets. Prior to joining the State Investments Team, Andrew spent 13 years within the QIC Liquid Markets Group. His most recent role was as a Senior Portfolio Manager of Fixed Income, Credit and Inflation, with active portfolio management responsibility across Insurance and Australian Fixed Income Funds. As well as prior portfolio management roles, Andrew has worked as a: Macroeconomic Strategist, Credit Research Analyst, Money Market Portfolio Analyst and has had extensive trading experience across Asian, European and US Interest Rate, Credit, Inflation and Currency Markets.

Andrew commenced his career via the graduate program at Xstrata. Andrew has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Queensland.

Meet the State Investments team

Our people represent our beliefs and values. They set and constantly raise our high standards. Each member of the QIC team brings a unique combination of specialist skills, experience and perspectives to the table. We value credentials but conviction is what counts.