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Amanda Hausler

Amanda Hausler

Head of Liquid Markets Investor Solutions

Location iconQIC Brisbane Office

Amanda joined QIC in May 2021 and is responsible for developing strong relationships and leading specialist liquid market interactions with LMG’s clients and investment consultants.  

Prior to joining QIC, Amanda held multiple roles within international financial institutions including Standard Chartered and BlackRock, across debt capital markets, liquidity and balance sheet management and investor relations, in the UK, Singapore and Australia. Amanda was most recently Head of Investor Relations for NatWest Markets in London.  

Amanda holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland and is a Chartered Accountant. 

Meet the Liquid Markets Group team

Our people represent our beliefs and values. They set and constantly raise our high standards. Each member of the QIC team brings a unique combination of specialist skills, experience and perspectives to the table. We value credentials but conviction is what counts.